Adverse effects of DEET in Pregnant women:
Citronella oil, the active ingredient of Jungle Magic Mosquito Banditz is 100 % safe. It not only protects us from mosquitoes but also reduces anxiety and provides relaxation. It is used as anticonvulsant medication to reduce seizures6.
Adverse effects of DEET in Pregnant women:
Citronella oil, the active ingredient of Jungle Magic Mosquito Banditz is 100 % safe. It not only protects us from mosquitoes but also reduces anxiety and provides relaxation. It is used as anticonvulsant medication to reduce seizures6.
The Jungle Magic Mosquito Banditzare coated with citronella oil and they also contain a compartment in which the citronella oil is stored. The studies have shown that a single application of citronella protects us from mosquito for 2 hours. The Jungle Magic Mosquito Banditz contains citronella oil in a compartment being a volatile liquid it slowly escapes from the holes made on the compartment and gives continuous protection to the child. So, your child would be protected from mosquitoes as long as the band in on your child’s wrist or ankle.
Jungle Magic Mosquito Banditzis not one time use product. Each pack of Jungle Magic Mosquito Banditz protects your child from mosquitoes for 30 days. The effectiveness of the product will not decrease with time. It will have same effectiveness for 30 days.
TheJungle Magic Mosquito Banditzare made of silicon which is water proof and antiallergic. It contains a compartment that stores citronella oil. Make holes on the compartment to obtain the desire effect. It should be worn either on your child’s ankle or on the wrist. If many mosquitoes are these near your surrounding, make sure that your child wears one band on the ankle and the other on wrist for better protection. These bands can also be worn while sleeping. They do not cause any injury to your child and protects your child from mosquitoes during sleep. They are 100% safe and natural. They do not cause any side effects in children. They provide a soothing effect due a pleasant odour.
Each pack contains two Jungle Magic Mosquito Banditz. Each band gives protection for 15 days so, a pack of Jungle Magic Mosquito Banditz would give protection for 30 days. These packs come with airtight pouches when your child is not wearing the band store it in pouch for long use. If the pack is stored as per the instructions, it will give a month’s protection to your child.
1. Clear the rainwater collected in empty objects:
Mosquitoes lay egg in the stagnant water especially in rain season. So, to reduce the population of the mosquitoes clear the rain water collected in empty tubs, tubes and pots.
2. Cover water tanks and other containers with lids:
Mosquitoes not only lay eggs in rainwater but also in the tap water and water of ponds and swimming pool. So, cover the water tanks and other containers with the lid to avoid the breeding of mosquitoes. If you are using an air cooler, change the water for every two days.
3. Avoid standing near a pond or standing water:
As said earlier mosquitoes lay eggs in ponds and standing water you can find a large number of mosquitoes in and around them. These mosquitoes can attack you and suck all your blood leaving behind infection causing microorganisms in your blood. So, avoid hanging out and standing near a pond or standing water.
4. Try to avoid staying out for long time after sunset and before sunrise:
Mosquitoes are very active between the sunset and sunrise so, if your do not want to be a prey for mosquitoes try to avoid staying out between dusk and dawn. In case you have to stay out during this period, prefer to wear long selves and completely cover your body.
5. Avoid using perfumes that have fragrance of flowers:
Mosquitoes get attracted to the fragrance of nectar as that of the human sweat so; avoid using perfumes that have fragrance of flowers.
6. Spray neem oil around your surroundings:
Neem has insecticidal properties and would kill the mosquitoes so, dilute need oil one tablespoon of neem oil in a bucket full of water and spray in and around your home.
7. Spray kerosene in the nearby pond and stagnant water:
Kerosene forms a layer on the stagnant water in the ponds and digs. It does not allow the oxygen to dissolve in the water. Due to this, the mosquito’s larvae cannot breathe and would die.
8. Place a mosquito net over your bed before going to sleep:
Mosquito net has very tiny holes that allow only air to pass through them. It does not allow the mosquitoes to pass through them or to reach you. It is an effective method to protect ourselves from mosquitoes.
While buying a mosquito net, make sure that the size of the holes is small enough to keep the mosquitoes out and large enough to allow the breeze of air. Do not sleep on the sides of the bed as the mosquitoes can pierce their sting into your body through the net.
9. Use a medicated bed net to cover your bed and windows:
World Health Organization has recommended that using medicated mosquito nets are more beneficial than the non medicated mosquito nets.
Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of K-O (25% deltamethrin) as insecticides. It is available in the market with the brand name K-Othrine.
K-O (25% deltamethrin) is soluble in water and it shows its effect upto12 months. It effect is not lost even after three washes of the net.
10. Use mosquito traps:
The sensors present on the mosquito’s antennae detect the carbondioxide released from our lungs, lactic acid present in our sweat and the maxillary palpus present on the mosquito’s head is sensitive to heat. These organs of the mosquito help it to find the humans for sucking the blood.
The mosquito traps contain available in the markets contains one or more systems that help to attract and trap the mosquitoes. Carbondioxide system and heat system are some of the features present in a mosquito trap.
Mosquito traps work on electricity they do not liberate ant harmful chemicals and are safe to use.
11. Use electric mosquito zappers to kill the mosquitoes:
It has been found that mosquitoes get attracted to yellow light. The electric mosquito zapper emits a yellow light to attract the mosquito and when these bugs land on the zappers, it kills them by an electric charge.
12. Use mosquito magnets to kill the mosquitoes:
The mosquito magnets contain octenol. It is a natural product obtained from the plants and attracts mosquitoes. The mosquitoemagents also liberate carbondioxide and heat to lure the mosquitoes. When the mosquitoes reach the magnet they are trapped in a net and die due to dehydration.
13. Use mosquito coils for killing mosquitoes:
Mosquitoes contain insecticides. When you lit coil they fill the air around your surrounding with insecticides and kills mosquitoes.
But... due to the smoke created by them you may have difficulty in breathing and frequent use can cause respiratory problems.
14. Apply mosquito repellents before going out:
Now- a- days mosquito repellents are available in the market, they help us to protect ourselves from mosquitoes. These products are available in different forms such as creams, ointments, lotions, sprays and bands. Currently most of the mosquito repellents contain N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) while some products are made from the extracts of herbs that have mosquito repellent properties.
1. Marta Ferreira Maia* and Sarah J Moore. Plant-based insect repellents: a review of their efficacy, development and testing, Malaria Journal, 2011; 10(Suppl 1): S11 (PubMed)
2. Unilever. TerlemeileilgiliGerçekler
3. Elissa AH, Nicole FA, Laurence J and John R. "Olfaction: Mosquito receptor for human-sweat odorant". Nature. 2004;427(6971): 212–213
4. Trongtokit Y, Rongsriyan Y, Komalamisra N et al. (1995). Comparative repellency of 38 essential oils against mosquito bites, Phytother Res. 19(4): 303-309
5. Gideon Koren, Doreen Matsui, Benoit Bailey. DEET-based insect repellents: safety implications for children and pregnant and lactating women, on July 15, 2003
6. Almeida, R.N., Motta, S.C., Leite, J.R. (2003): Properties of essential oil as anticonvulsants. Bol.